Meet the Meanderthals

A group of like minded individuals working hard to live the dream, meander the world and avoid the corporate hamster wheel

Mr Meanderthal

Aka as Randall or Craig to friends and family, I started this crazy journey to live life to the fullest. I woke up one day and realised that life isn’t all about being a corporate drone and working hard for 40 years

Adopting the motto “Live the Dream” I now spend my time meandering aimlessly around the world soaking up experiences and cultures. Hopefully inspiring others to live their own dreams and not be entrenched in society’s mentality to work, work, work their life away

Bumble Bee

Aka as Maura to friends and family.
Formally from Ireland as the nickname implies, she came to Australia on holidays, fell in love with the layback attitude of Australians, the Sun, the lifestyle and the landscape, you know how it goes, the rest is history.
Always on the lookout for an adventure, looking inwards this year she decided to challenge herself and tackled the Larapinta Trail all 233km of it unassisted. In doing so It awakened a sleeping meanderthal, - “The Trail reminded me that life is for living, family and friends are precious and our time on this earth is limited.”

Irish is currently meandering in Europe and South America; her next life challenge is a little mountain in Argentina called Aconcagua. When asked Why? she replied “well why not it’s there. You just got to live a little. Work is overrated”

Angry Bird

AKA as Jason or Canning to his family and Friends
His nickname well he came with that one, rumour has it our local indigenous Australians think he’s a pretty big wig on account of his stature as a NT Police Officer. But we think it’s probably more likely because he’s a Big Softie and a big Dreamer.
A genuine meanderthal at heart, in younger years he travelled extensively through Central America, Southeast Asia and there wouldn’t be too many places he hasn’t meandered to in Australia.
Recent meanderthal adventures include tackling the Larapinta trail and a 4wd adventure up through the top end of Western Australia. He dreams of a Motorcycle ride through Asia. Newly married so he’s taking a hiatus from meandering.
When asked where to next “I’m in love mate, I’m working on a motor biking leave pass for Cambodia and Thailand”


Aka as Vernon, our very first Texan meanderthal. Acquired his nickname on account of the colour his face goes when he gets a little stressed. A mild-mannered Texan businessman, that for many years worked way too hard. It took for the COVID Grim reaper to come a knocking to slow him down and awaken a dormant Meanderthal. His recent adventures in Thailand affirmed his desire to be a meanderthal. When asked where to next Red? (Insert Texan drawl into his reply) Shoooot I got living to do and places to see, I want to squeeze as much in as I can and see as much of the world as I can before it’s my time

Nong Tom

Aka as Pim, our very first Thai meanderthal. Acquired her nickname on account of the blistering pace she sets on her grey snail scooter. A Chaing Mai resident with a wealth of local knowledge for everything Thailand and Laos. One of the hardest working people I’ve met. On any given day you’ll find her navigating the corporate NGO world and raising her Snailing, whilst secretly planning her next adventure. A true example of a modern day meanderthal that refuses to let the dream of living be shackled to the norms of society.


Aka as Angry Phil or just plain Phil to his Kin. came with the nickname of Angry Phil but it was modified to be Thai friendly after the locals in a Thailand bar became worried about his name.
Hailing from Ingham in North Queensland Australia, he loved Thailand so much he moved here after a month-long holiday. you’ll find him wandering SE Asia on trips to Thailand, Vietnam and Laos
Well known for his motorcycling antics through his unique ability to fall off them, do serious injury to himself simply to shrug it off.

The only man I know to buy another CRF300L (in another country) with a broken leg and start planning for his next adventure. Now that folks right there is a Meanderthal


Aka as Tibbys or or just plain Tom to his Kin.
Son of Mr Meanderthal, was always going to be a meanderthal Just didn’t know it. Growing up he was dragged to all sorts of places often kicking and screaming because the internet wasn’t fast enough. He’s already clocked up an impressive array of travel destinations visiting Tonga, PNG, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Argentina, Bali and now resides in Thailand. When he’s not working hard on developing his game, he’s into self-development and planning his next adventure.

Big J

Our First Intrepid Italian Friend. The Man has a wealth of travel adventures under his belt, started out life as a chef and travelled Europe, then found the pull of Thailand too alluring. An expat for 9 years living in Chiang Mai and running a successful Italian restaurant, his passion for travel never really waned and he has chalked up some good adventures travelling to Laos, Maylasia and Vietnam of recent.
His Ultimate goal is to find an adventure bike and ride the world as slowly as humanly possible.


Also more affectionately known as BB to her Meanderthal friends.
BB shares a love of everything food, there’s not much Asian Cuisine this lady won’t eat, just don’t feed her anything Australian Cuisine or she’ll politely “Mai Dai” you (I do not want) I guess Vegemite is an acquired taste. after all.
When BB is not out exploring SE Asia with the Meanderthal team and eating everything in sight, you’ll happily find her helping customers at Classic Bike Tour Thailand generate awesome local Northern Thailand adventures.
When asked how she wants to explore the world it took her less than a second to say, “not on a motorcycle but in style”.

Want to become a Meanderthal team member ? its simple just hit us up for adventure and we’ll do the rest