Mr Meanderthal…..the story


The Realisation

Have you ever just woken up one day from a deep sleep only to shudder at the prospect of getting out of bed to go to work and pay the ferryman.
I kind of started doing that every day and my tolerance for my clients was wearing thin. Being woken at ungodly hours of the night with cries for Panadol and humbug for long forgotten medications, just didn’t float my boat anymore.  Gone was the excitement that had brought me to this lifestyle. Couple that with mundane tasks of dealing with traffic light reports, incessant never ending emails, clinical pathways, rules and stipulations, boxes to be ticked and all things needing to be politically correct. It kind of dulls ones zest for life and adventure. This day I realised life is passing me by, so I decided to amend this aspect of my life. Enter the pseudonym Mr Meanderthal! A 50 something year old man with a bundle of wild ideas (that border on crazy for some) and a thirst for adventure. So sit back, grab your favourite brew and enjoy this read.

The Dream

Those who know me have for a long time have heard me say “oh you know, just living the dream” when asked how I was doing. Sometimes this was tongue in cheek because it’s 2am and I’ve just been called in to patch up a drunken individual who decided to become a human punching bag and wake me from my slumber. And at other times I actually felt I was living the dream as I was sitting on top of a mountain staring out into space reflecting on the meaning of life or watching the tide roll in whilst sitting on a deserted island. But when you analyse those three simple words, what actually is “living the dream”. Well logically its subjective and specific to individuals. Some need the house with the white picket fence, others prefer security of a great job, friends and family around them, and then there are those peeps  who are happiest when not subjected to the norms of society and are just doing their own thing.
So how does one simply live the dream? Moreover, inspire others to live their own dream. Well that requires a plan, often seat of your pants living, and it’s constantly evolving.

The Plan

Well Nike kind of hit the mark here with their famous marketing slogan Just Do it!
Make it happen, start small, dream big and go hard from there. I could bombard you with more motivation quotes to inspire you, but none of that will work, unless ….  you, and only you, make it happen.
I have been fortunate during COVID, and basically lived in the wilds of Northern Territory. I worked long hours and long contracts and thanks to those after hours calls I was able to save a few dollars, dream up a plan to travel the world again when borders open and say goodbye to the drone and drag of working in a job that was sucking the life juices out of me.
This Blog will document my Meanderthal life (not confused with my Neanderthal ways - you know I can feel you thing that) In doing so I hope to provide the reader with a combination of personal travel experiences, useful titbits of information to aid them with their own Meanderthal adventures and hopefully the motivation to live the dream as they have envisioned it. .